Mary DeCaro

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Well, I don't know where to start, this has been a very hard week and a half for us. Our adorable little dog, Angel, had to be put down last Tuesday morning. She was so very ill and the Veterinarian didn't give us any hope for a recovery.

I thought it may have been caused from the spraying of the ants the week before, but after thinking it over in my mind all the possibilites of her getting so ill, I have come to the conclusion that it was caused from the dog foods that were contaminated, which I had given her before the "RECALL". It was heartbreaking to say the least, that so many animals died because of what was put in their foods.

We just can't accept the fact that Angel is no longer with us. I keep feeling like she's going to come into the room or if we're out of the house, I still think she's home. Will we ever get over this? Our eyes fill up with tears every time we think of her. She didn't deserve this!

We received a beautiful card from the Veterinarian yesterday, expressing his sentiments for our loss. That was so very nice of him. Everyone there at the clinic showed so much sadness for our loss.

Everyone tells us to get another Pet, it will fill the loss of our little Angel.
That may be true, but we can't see that right now. Don't think we will ever be able to have another Pet, we've had so many in the past and it was so hard giving them up.
Angel was the 4th one that we had to put down because of illness. That's too heartbreaking. Don't think we will ever get over her, she was the most lovable pet we ever had.


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