Mary DeCaro

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Great news

Finally! After going to the Doctor to have me checked over because of all the pain and swelling in my ankles and feet, he, the Doctor had his nurse do an "EKG", blood pressure, drew two viles of blood to be analyzed, wrapped my ankles, thighs and arms to check for blood clots and circulation. Had two "Ultra Sounds" one of my chest and one on my legs, plus an "MRI" of my abdomen.

Guess what? All the tests came back normal. thank God! The only thing that wasn't good was my cholesterol which was 224. That's quite high, butI know how to remedy that without medication. Oh, he gave me a prescription for it, but I refuse to take MEDS, so I'm taking "Golden Flaxseed" with my cereal in the morning or putting it in my "8th Continent" chocolate soy milk.

Sooo, when I go back to see my Doctor in October, we'll see how low my cholesterol will be. I know it works because Al's cholesterol was always normal while he took the Flaxseed, then he stopped and now his cholesterol is high again. Several other people I know have had good results from it too. One has to be consistant with it.

If you're interested, you have to be sure that it's the "GOLDEN: whole flaxseed, not the ground and not the brown seeds. Then you grind them in a NEW coffee grinder that has not been used for grinding coffee. Grind only enough for a few days, should always be freshly ground and you use about two heaping tablespoons full once a day.


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